Just think, less than two weeks from today, 2015 begins. It honestly seemed like yesterday I was lighting up a cigar in celebration of what I perceived to be several successful fantasy football drafts (which actually turned out to be true). Like David, Keith and many others across countless cigar sites, I too would like to share my favorite cigars for 2014. My compiled list is in no particular order and while several are not new to 2014, these are the cigars that I enjoyed smoking the most this year.

Tatuaje Havana VI Artistas
By strictly the numbers, the Tatuaje Havana VI Artistas was my only perfect 10 of the year. And for good cause too: It represented to me the quintessential medium bodied cigar. Not only that, but it was literally a perfect smoke from start to finish.

El Threesome by Blue Mountain Cigars
David did a short take on this and Keith gave it a fair review last year. I think the CMS ate my review of this one but it came into my life at a rather depressing time (death of my wife’s grandmother in March). Discovering this cigar while out of town for a funeral took the emotional sting out of death. Maybe it was because by the time you got down to the maduro portion of the cigar, you had so nicotine in your system that you felt very little. Regardless, this was the perfect long-smoking cigar that covered all ranges of strength.

King of Kings Broadleaf by Kings Cigars
This cigar was new to 2014 and I witnessed a lot of buzz about it at this years Chattanooga Tweet Up. Thankfully, I was able to track one down after the event and I wasn’t sorry I did. This is a wonderful full bodied representation that anyone looking for that strength of cigar should try.

CroMagnon Fomorian by RoMa Craft Tobac
It wouldn’t a favorite cigar list of mine without an offering from RoMaCraft Tobac. While Keith was a huge fan of the La Campaña de Panamá Soberana (I did too but did not review it), the Fomorian was just something so completely different than anything that I had smoked that it was one of the first I thought of when compiling this list.

Culebra by En Fuego Cigars and Lounge
The last cigar on my list for 2014 was one that is still generally fresh in my mind. I mean really: How often do you find a cigar lounge that rolls its own cigars? And the cigars are excellent? Probably very few in the country. This one is unique and certainly worth a look, especially if you are visiting Las Vegas.

I thank you for your time and attention in reading my opinions and look forward to sharing my contributions in 2015.

9 Responses

  1. Thanks for your contributions and your reviews. Look forward to keeping my eyes out for these and trying a few.