We are pleased to offer advertising opportunities for cigar manufacturers and select retailers. We believe in supporting local brick and mortar stores whenever possible so we will only accept sponsorship from retailers whose primary business is in a physical location, where online sales are an added service. We are willing to work on a trade basis in some instances. Purchase of a one-year sponsorship will receive two months free.

We currently offer two sizes of ad space:

300 pixels wide x 200 pixels tall

PrintCash: $50/month or $500/year
Trade: $75/month or $750/year

300 pixels wide x 400 pixels tall

PrintCash: $75/month or $750/year
Trade: $100/month or $1000/year

Each site sponsor will also have a page on the site, under  “Our Sponsors” in the main menu, where they can post information about the company and pictures. Artwork provided for the ad space and the sponsor page can be changed once a month. If you provide a link to an ad hosted on a separate server, the ad can be changed as often as you like as long as the link to remains the same.

We are limiting the number of site sponsors to 10 at this time.

Please contact David Jones at [email protected] if you wish to sponsor or if you have any questions. Thank you.