Category: Cigar Review
Cigar Review: The Chefs Edition by Davidoff
Davidoff collaborated with several top chefs in the world for a new smoking experience that promises to take you on a fantastic journey…
Cigar Review: Serino Royale Maduro XX
The last of a 4-part series, looking at the inaugural premium blends from Serino Cigars
Cigar Review: Guerrilla 305 BLK SHP by Tarazona Cigars
A look at the 2016 release of the BLK SHP, part of Eddie Tarazona’s Guerrilla 305 line
Cigar Review: The Banker by H. Upmann
H. Upmann set out to try to recreate the original Cuban blend from 170 years ago with Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos…let’s see how they did.
Cigar Review: Serino Royale Maduro
Part 3 of 4, looking at the inaugural premium blends from Serino Cigars
Cigar Review: La Gran Llave
Jon tries a new collaboration between Michael Argenti and Abdel Fernandez: the La Gran Llave.
Cigar Review: Gran Habano Gran Reserva No. 5 2011
A look at a newer twist on an older classic: Gran Habano’s Gran Reserva No. 5
Skinny Monsters: Frank
The final installment of my 10 part look at the Skinny Monsters release from Tatuaje Cigars