For this review, I’m going to go over something I’ve mentioned in a post many months ago but never actually reviewed, mainly because I’ve never had one.  I don’t normally get into cigarillos, but thought I should go ahead and give it a go finally. 
The cigarillo lies somewhere between a cigarette and a cigar.  It’s smaller like a cigarette, but its construction is more like a cigar as it doesn’t have a filter, a paper wrapper, or additives.   It’s strictly tobacco leaf. 


7 Responses

    1. In reply to you and Bob, I asked the Hippie, and he had intended to post this as a Cigar Extra, not a full review. I’ve changed the name of the article and he does apologize for the error and the short length. Life intruded on his writing time, but he did want to get something posted.

  1. Thanks Dave, Ive actually had some of these with a buddy at work. Not bad, good for a quick cigar in the morning or during coffee break. The Cohiba Pantellas are also a good size.