Last week, I was able to publish part 1 of my recent conversation with Jon Huber of Crowned Heads Cigars. We sat down at the current headquarters for the company in Nashville and talked about the company’s growth, their use of social media marketing and more. If you missed it, CLICK HERE to check it out.

Today I present part 2 of the conversation, where Jon offers some thoughts on the proposed FDA regulations, the use of the term “boutique” in regard to cigar companies, and cigar blogs.

I hope you enjoyed. We look forward to being able to bring more video interviews your way in the future. The newest release from Crowned Heads–Las Calaveras–should be shipping around the time you watch this video.

2 Responses

  1. Can’t wait for the Las Calaveras now that there is a local B&M that carries Crowned Heads.

  2. I like a business man who is honest and up front and has a passion for what he does! More of these please