IPCPRFor the last few years, it seems almost like a tradition that sometime in the week or two preceding the IPCPR show, I would write an article titled, “I’m Not Going,” or something to that effect. The story was pretty much always the same…no money, it’s an event for retailers, and I’m working on the Chattanooga Tweet-Up anyway, which you should all be planning on attending. This year things are a little different.

One thing really hasn’t changed…I still don’t have the money to go on my own. Fortunately, other circumstances have changed that make that not such an over-riding concern this year.

The “Retailer” Thing

I’ve made the argument that consumers, and even most bloggers, have no real reason to be at the show because it’s a retail-oriented event. The show is designed specifically for cigar and accessory manufacturers to show off their latest wares to retailers from across the country…and take orders for them.

Media is needed at a show like this, so that word of the new products gets to consumers, who will in turn ask their local retailer for the products. And Lord knows there are a few bloggers who do a dynamite job of covering every aspect of the show…and do so much more thoroughly and quickly than the Giant Lifestyle Magazine ever has. There’s definitely room for bloggers.

However, a few years back a bunch of people started creating blogs seemingly just for the purpose of getting into the show. The organization’s response? Instead of looking for a way to weed out the bad from the good, they started cracking heads of everyone. I still find that unfair and unnecessary, but quite a few bloggers have made their peace with it.

It was during this milieu that I decided, “If I ever go, it will be with on a retailer badge.”

Now that I work full-time for Burns in Chattanooga, that’s exactly what I am doing. Each shop gets a certain number of badges for the show; I’m on one of those. The store owner and I will be driving to the show together and sharing a room, so expenses for my part are pretty minimal.

2015_DM1_Postcard2The “Coverage” Thing

Another thing I’ve remarked on in the past is how I don’t need to be doing the same thing several other blogs are doing…and doing better than I probably can. Specifically, I don’t need to try to report on all the new products at the show. I don’t need to try to chase down the behind-the-scenes rumors. I don’t need to post 50 interview videos in the next week.

Other cigar sites are doing those things quite well already, and simply adding my voice saying the same thing would just be redundant.

But I’ve had an idea for an IPCPR story in mind for about 6 years now and I might finally get to tell it…

The story originated as basically following a retailer around during the show and getting their perspective on the whole thing.

Obviously, my position as a retailer changes the way that story will be told, at least to a certain extent. The plan at this point is to present an “IPCPR Journal,” talking about what I see, what I experience, as well as speaking to some of the new products, and some behind-the-scenes “retailer stuff.”

I’ll take lots of pictures, too, posting some on Twitter (follow @dmjones1009, @LeafEnthusiast, and @BurnsCigars), some on Facebook (Leaf Enthusiast and Burns Tobacconist), some on Instagram (@LeafEnthusiast and @BurnsCigars).

If you are looking for full “newsy” type coverage of the show, my best recommendation is to take a look at what Will Cooper is doing on Cigar-Coop.

The “Tweet-Up” Thing

Can’t forget about the Chattanooga Tweet-Up and Cigar Festival, either. I’ve touted this big event for the past few years as “the next best thing to being at the IPCPR” and really that’s still true.

For the 2015 iteration, we currently have about 30 sponsoring companies lined up and expect to get another dozen or so before the event dates arrive. Every $75 ticket will include a grab bag of a variety of cigars from these sponsoring companies, plus the opportunity to win more through raffles, games and contests.

We are having a cornhole tournament (bean bag toss), cigar trivia contests, best (and worst) Hawaiian shirt contest, a charity auction, appearances by brand owners and reps, and just a great time hanging out with new and old friends from around the country.

Our 5th annual Tweet-Up is going to be a great time. Get all the information HERE. Then go BUY TICKETS.

One Last Thing

So that’s the plan. I’m hitting NOLA and the IPCPR for the first time ever. I’ll try to cover the event and tell my story the best I can. I’ve already had companies reaching out to me in both blogging and retailer capacities to stop by their booths to sample the new wares, but I do want to make it clear…

I continue to believe that “show samples” are hardly the best way to fully evaluate a cigar. While some may be perfectly fine, others will be held at improper temperatures or humidity somewhere along the line (before or during the show) and not perform their best. I can try sitting on some of them for a few weeks to let them acclimate, but even then, some samples given at the show are provided months before a product hits retailer shelves. Sometimes the product is tweaked or completely changed in the meantime.

Therefore, I will not give a scored review to samples I get at the show (unless there is some overriding reason I should consider doing so, and even then I will make full disclosure of the origin of the cigar in question). Instead, any samples that I decide to make part of the schedule on this site will be labeled as “Cigar Previews.”

7 Responses

  1. Your retailer perspective should provide a unique and different read on what’s happening at the show.

  2. David, I will say personally I am very glad that you will be here.

    I also applaud you on the stance on show sample reviews. We will do some, but usually they are not the preferred way to do reviews.

    See you on the floor!

  3. David –

    Good points. While I’ve been invited to the show and even had a ticket, I don’t go primarily because I believe ‘media’ doesn’t belong there. (I use ‘media’ loosely because, being someone who reads everything cigar related posted on the internet and social media, it is very obvious who is an actual journalist and who is just there for free cigars and to feel cool – most are the latter. Some ‘media’ attending hasn’t even posted any news yet – just appear to be enjoying themselves.). The event is intended for retailers and manufacturers. When IPCPR caters specifically to media with, perhaps, a media day (or half-day) – something I don’t expect to happen any time soon if ever – I will attend, but, until then, I’ll sit at home and manage things from here.

    With that said, I think the angle you are taking this year is interesting and I look forward to reading it.

  4. Have a good time (I know I’m late)! Very few sites I follow that seem to be cigar oriented, and as you know, yours is one of them.