Leaf Enthusiast | Reviews for Cigar & Pipe Lovers
Cigar Review: Syncro Nicaragua by Avo Cigars
A review of the newest regular release from Avo Cigars, the Syncro Nicaragua
Cigar Review: El Gueguense by Foundation Cigar Company
Today we look at one of the most anticipated releases of 2015: El Gueguense by Foundation Cigar Company
Travel Notes, October 2015
If you were following my Twitter and/or Facebook feeds a couple weeks ago, you already know that I spent about 7 days out in the Land of Fruits and Nuts…La-La Land…the Left Coast…Southern California....
Cigar Review: Escurio by Davidoff
Looking at the latest release under the prestigious Davidoff label: Escurio.
Cigar Review: Cerro by HVC Cigars
Today I look at something from HVC Cigars, a company that just showed up on my radar recently: Cerro.
Cigar Review: Blind Man’s Bluff by Caldwell Cigars
Reviewing the latest release from Caldwell Cigars: Blind Man’s Bluff
Cigar Review: La Antiguedad TAA by My Father Cigars
A look at the Limited Edition release of La Antiguedad, available only at your local TAA retailer
Cigar Review: Davidoff Oro Blanco
Today I get the opportunity to review this very special cigar from Davidoff.