Cigar Review: Illusione Cigares Prive
Originally designated as a limited edition store exclusive, Illusione more recently opened up the Cigares Prive to everyone
Originally designated as a limited edition store exclusive, Illusione more recently opened up the Cigares Prive to everyone
Espinosa made a follow-up to their ground-breaking Laranja blend…the Laranja Escuro is dark, rich and wonderful.
Getting some jazz and funk going on with today’s pairing…Heaven and Ale’s Love Supreme with the Brick House Maduro Mighty Mighty
Jon takes another new one from Villiger Cigars for a ride: the Black Forest.
The latest installment in the Amazon Basin series, the CAO Orellana, combines elements of the previous three
During the time spent updating the Hoyo de Monterrey brand, General Cigar decided to make El Torcedor as a throwback
Following up the original release, the Mi Querida Triqui Traca manages to hold its own flavor-wise, while amping up the body
If you have found other Diamond Crown blends too mild for your tastes, the Black Diamond may be right up your alley
The latest release from La Gloria Cubana, the Spanish Press combines a new multi-country blend with an old-world rolling technique