I was very tempted to call this “Buying Your Love” or “Bribing For Hits”…just trying to keep it real…but my more level-headed persona prevailed in the end and we are just happy to announce that we are going to start a Monthly Giveaway.

First things first: I’m not going to call this a “contest” because that would imply that there was some special skill involved or you had to perform some arduous action to have a chance to win. Not so…we’re going to make this easy…

At the beginning of each month, we are going to give away prizes. Could be cigars, could be accessories, could be plane tickets (okay, it probably won’t ever be plane tickets…and probably will almost always end up being cigars). What you have to do to enter is dead simple: read Leaf Enthusiast and leave comments on the posts.

Eligible comments will be left between the first day and last day of a month, for only those blog posts that originally post between the first and last days of that same month. Comments on articles outside those parameters will not be counted toward the giveaways. Only one comment on each article will be counted for purposes of this giveaway. At the first of the following month, I will randomly choose one comment from the preceding month (or more if there is more than one giveaway prize for that month) and we will announce the winner in a blog post. We will also try to contact the winner through whatever means we have at our disposal. We are using “Disqus” for comments on Leaf Enthusiast and from what it looks like all commenters have an email address that we can see on our end. Winners will have 15 days to let us know where to send the prizes, then a new winner will be chosen.

Must be 19 or older to win. (Yes, most places in the United States require you to be 18 to enjoy a cigar, but some more “progressive” districts insist on restricting the freedoms of adult citizens.)

Must reside in the United States or a U.S. mailing address.

Now, did I get all that right? If you have any questions, leave a comment below…

It’s time to announce what we are giving away for April 2014:

bowtie_angleLa Aurora 107 Maduro “Bow Tie” 5-packs!

Miami Cigar & Company has generously sponsored our first monthly giveaway, offering up 2 5-packs of the La Aurora 107 Maduro Lancero, also known as the Bow Tie. This cigar is available for sale only in the Southeast Region, represented by one Mr. Austin Baker. My review of said cigar will post in the second week of April. I’m also going to declare next Monday, March 31, as a “bonus day.” We’ll start the counting of comments then…one day early…so make sure to tune in and get every chance you can to win one of these prize packs.

We are hard at work securing giveaway prizes for future months. If you represent a cigar company and would like to sponsor one of these giveaways, drop me a line: [email protected].

10 Responses

  1. This an excellent idea, to make it so less complicated. It will engender more readers and comments. The opportunity to win cigars and especially, Regional’s or LE’s, makes it even more exciting. Thank you.

  2. You guys are always great I come here for the content, this is just an added bonus. you know I don’t miss a post!

  3. Good luck with the site, David, and thanks for the contest…err…giveaway, as always!

  4. Thank you David. Looking forward to the posts. I hope to make it to the Chattanooga Tweet-Up this year.