Aged: 262 Cigars Paradigm Corona

I recently acquired a box of 262 Cigars first blend: Paradigm in the Burns Tobacconist exclusive Corona size…how have they held up?
Cigar Review: Allegiance by 262 Cigars

Today we look at 2014’s “regular release” by 262 Cigars: Allegiance
We Smoke It…interviews Clint Aaron
In this episode, the We Smoke It… guys definitely do NOT interview Clint Aaron
Cigar Giveaways…a new winner and “recharging”

It’s time to pick a winner again…and I’m actually doing it on the first day of the month this time! Of course, it’s a vacation day for me, extending the 4 day weekend into 5 days, so if I didn’t get this done today, I’d be feeling pretty slacker-y…is that a word? Anyway, to recap, 262 […]
October Giveaway Winner

October’s Cigar Giveaway Winner and November’s Prize are announced
Cali Trip, part 2: Escape from California
Part 2 of my annual California trip
Cigar Review: 262 Allegiance

My look at the newest release from 262 Cigars.
Cigar Review: Paradigm Corona by 262 Cigars

A review of the Paradigm Corona by 262 Cigars, exclusive to Burns Tobacconist for 6 months.
A Little Updating Going On…

Some site news and updates
Cigar of the Year – dmj Edition

dmj’s picks for the best cigars of 2013