Cigar Review: Master Selection 2010 by Davidoff
Every year Davidoff’s master blender, Eladio Diaz, creates his own birthday present in the form of a special blend…now some are being shared with us
Every year Davidoff’s master blender, Eladio Diaz, creates his own birthday present in the form of a special blend…now some are being shared with us
Davidoff follows up the Winston Churchill blend with a version using tobacco aged in Scotch barrels…let’s see how it stands up
Every year Davidoff’s master blender, Eladio Diaz, creates a special blend to celebrate his birthday…now some of them are being released to the rest of us
Corona Cigar Company seems to be doing a lot of special cigars with Davidoff lately…how does the official “20th Anniversary” cigar stand up?
Another very special cigar from Davidoff (but do they make any other kind?)…this time celebrating 10 Years of Tour Gastronomique
I got to try both two different Davidoff Exclusive Series releases…how does this Maxamar 15th Anniversary release hold up?
My look at the new 2017 version of the Davidoff Art Edition.
Looking today at the latest regular release from Davidoff…the 702 Series