Cigar Review: Nicaragua Box Pressed by Davidoff
A new twist on the Davidoff Nicaragua blend…this time with more Ligero and in a box-pressed format
A new twist on the Davidoff Nicaragua blend…this time with more Ligero and in a box-pressed format
A look at the 25th Anniversary Avo Limited Edition as well as some talk about aging cigars.
If Davidoff is the King of Limited Edition Cigars, then the Winston Churchill LE 2016 is the Prime Minister
Winter is the time of year for Short Smokes…here are some of my current favorites…
My look at the latest release in the Davidoff Chinese New Year cigars.
A review of the newest regular release from Avo Cigars, the Syncro Nicaragua
Looking at the latest release under the prestigious Davidoff label: Escurio.
Today I get the opportunity to review this very special cigar from Davidoff.
Looking at a brand new short smoke for the upcoming colder weather: Winston Churchill Petite Panetela by Davidoff