Cigar Review: Uncle Lee by Room101
Recently Matt Booth dedicated a cigar to the man who introduced him to stogies: the Room101 Uncle Lee
Recently Matt Booth dedicated a cigar to the man who introduced him to stogies: the Room101 Uncle Lee
Did the We Smoke It… guys ever actually leave the Davidoff Lounge?
This past Monday night, Principle Cigars threw a little party introducing their new boutique that will be part of the new 12th & Pine liquor store opening up in the Gulch of Nashville. And...
2013 was the year that saw Davidoff make what was possibly the biggest jump the company has made since they left Cuba to produce cigars in the Dominican Republic…this was the year they released a Nicaraguan pyro.
Today just about all cigar smokers know Davidoff as the premier purveyor of Dominican cigars, but up until the late 1980s they were actually known for their Cuban cigars. You see them reviewed in the “extra aged” selection of a certain lifestyle magazine from time to time. After severing relations with Cuban tobacco manufacturing, Davidoff of Geneva was formed and the brand was available to those in America. Twenty-five years later we have been graced with this limited edition cigar, of which only 3,000 boxes of 10 were produced.
2013 was unique on the Tiki Bar in that we welcomed several new authors to our pages as regular contributors. Today we hear from them on their picks for the best cigars of 2013.