Cigar of the Year – dmj Edition
dmj’s picks for the best cigars of 2013
Cigar Review: Davidoff Nicaragua
A review of the Davidoff Nicaragua
Best Cigar in the Shop: Davidoff Colorado Claro Double R
Another candidate for Best Cigar in the Shop: Davidoff Colorado Claro Double R
The Best Cigar in the Shop: Davidoff 100 Geneva
Asking the timeless question, What is the best cigar in the shop? Maybe it’s the Davidoff 100 Geneva
Cigar Review: Davidoff Colorado Claro
A review of the Davidoff Colorado Claro, Special R
Cigar Review: Davidoff Club House
A review of the Davidoff Club House
Cigar Review: Davidoff Year of the Snake
Reviewing the Davidoff Year of the Snake