Cigar Review: Diesel Estelí Puro
The newest addition to the Diesel cigar line is Esteli Puro, consisting completely of tobaccos grown on AJ Fernandez’s farms around Esteli, Nicaragua
The newest addition to the Diesel cigar line is Esteli Puro, consisting completely of tobaccos grown on AJ Fernandez’s farms around Esteli, Nicaragua
Diesel Delirium is the next limited edition release for the General Cigar-distributed brand and a redux of a blend previously available online only.
The second installment of the Diesel Whiskey Row series has tobacco aged in Rabbit Hole’s Sherry Cask Bourbon barrels.
Following up the Whiskey Row, is the new Diesel Hair of the Dog, a Limited Edition cigar for 2019
General Cigar’s Diesel line produces another brick-and-mortar cigar, this one with Bourbon-barrel-aged leaf!