Cigar Review: Avo Classic Covers
My look at this year’s “birthday release” from Avo Cigars.
Cigar Review: PCS Butter by Lost & Found
A look at the latest Lost & Found release, a new one in the Pepper Cream Soda line called “Butter”
Cigar Review: Escurio by Davidoff
Looking at the latest release under the prestigious Davidoff label: Escurio.
Cigar Review: Davidoff Escurio
I get a chance to look at the brand new Davidoff Escurio.
Pre-release Review: La Imperiosa by Crowned Heads
An early look at La Imperiosa, the upcoming regular release from Crowned Heads
Cigar Review: Uncle Lee by Room101
Recently Matt Booth dedicated a cigar to the man who introduced him to stogies: the Room101 Uncle Lee
Cigar Review: The Angel’s Anvil (2014) by Crowned Heads
I finally take a look at a cigar that’s been out about a year: The Angel’s Anvil (2014 edition) by Crowned Heads
Cigar Review: La Aurora Puro Vintage 2006
Examining the latest in the La Aurora Puro Vintage line…the Puro Vintage 2006.
Cigar Review: La Hoja Classica
My look at the La Hoja Classica.
Cigar Review: Room101 Master Collection 3
We finally get a look at the third and final blend in the Room101 Master Collection…