Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Criollo de Oro

The latest release from La Gloria Cubana, Criollo de Oro uses a proprietary hybrid varietal that crosses Criollo 98 and Pelo de Oro
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Medio Tiempo

It might be too soon to say for sure, but Medio Tiempo might just be the best thing to happen to La Gloria Cubana in a decade or more
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Spirit of the Lady

The La Gloria Cubana brand moved to the new Forged Cigar Company this year and got a new release…how does Spirit of the Lady fare?
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Spanish Press

The latest release from La Gloria Cubana, the Spanish Press combines a new multi-country blend with an old-world rolling technique
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Estelí

One of several additions to General Cigars’ venerable stable of brands, the La Gloria Cubana Estelí showcases the craftsmanship of the folks who made it.
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Colección Reserva

Ernesto Perez-Carrillo worked again with General Cigar Company and his old brand to create La Gloria Cubana Colección Reserva
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Serie R Black Maduro

The online & catalog exclusive version of La Gloria Cubana’s new Maduro version of the Serie R
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli Maduro

This year General Cigar Company added two Maduro extensions to the La Gloria Cubana line…first we look at the B&M-only Serie R Esteli Maduro
Cigar Review: La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli
Originally published on Tiki Bar Online. No. Fifty Four (toro grande), 6” x 54 ring gauge / MSRP $6.49 The people over at General Cigars were kind enough to send along some samples of this cigar for Dave and I to try. Dave’s review on this cigar along with the info on the blend can […]
Cigar Review: Serie R Esteli by La Gloria Cubana

A review of the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli