Cigar Review: Mi Querida Ancho Largo by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust

I rated the Fino Largo vitola as my 2016 Cigar of the Year…today I take a look at a different size of Mi Querida
5 Great Maduros

Looking for a new Maduro to try? Wonder what a “Maduro” even is? Let’s break it down and give you some suggestions…
5 Great Short Smokes

I was going to start the new “5 Great” or “Top 5” list feature out by talking about 5 wonderful cigars from Davidoff…but then winter happened. On Christmas Day, it was 70+ degrees here in East Tennessee, bright and sunny and beautiful. We had already experienced some cool days and frigid nights, but nothing completely […]
2016 Cigar of the Year – dmj Edition

Wherein I reveal my choices for top cigar of 2016…
Cigar of the Year: Perfect 10s for 2016

We kick off our annual “Cigar of the Year Week” with a look back at the cigars that achieved perfect scores in 2016
Cigar Review: Mi Querida by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust

Jon tries the newest “My Dearest” from Steve Saka: the Mi Querida.
Cigar Review: Mi Querida by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust

Another installment in what is shaping up to be a real “Year of the Broadleaf”…this time from the “Cigar Brain” of Steve Sake