Cigar Review: Menelik by Foundation Cigars
Long an event-only cigar, this year Foundation released Menelik to the masses across the fruited plain.
Cigar Review: Highclere Castle Victorian
Foundation Cigars’ Highclere Castle line has a new entry: Victorian. Very different from the original, but also a contender for best cigar of the year!
Cigar Review: Tabernacle Havana Seed CT No. 142 by Foundation Cigars
The Tabernacle Havana Seed No. 142 features a Connecticut-grown wrapper, but is a totally different experience than the original Tabernacle release
Cigar Review: The Tabernacle Lancero by Foundation Cigar Company
I decided to revisit The Tabernacle recently with this Lancero vitola…and I’m glad I did…this cigar is amazing!
Cigar Review: The Wise Man by Foundation Cigars
The Wise Man is the Maduro version of El Gueguense…and another excellent blend from Nick Melillo and Foundation Cigar Company
Cigar Review: Charter Oak Maduro by Foundation Cigar Company
Along with their “upper line” Connecticut Broadleaf release, The Tabernacle, Foundation Cigar Company released a “bargain Broadleaf” as well this year
Cigar Review: The Tabernacle by Foundation Cigar Company
The first salvo in the Battle of the Broadleaves has been launched…Foundation’s Tabernacle hit my store’s shelves first…how does it fare?