Cigar Review: Frank Herrera Biography
Jon discovers the Frank Herrera Biography for the first time.
Cigar Review: Members Only Maduro by PDR Cigars
Today I look at another limited release cigar from Abe Flores’ factory
Cigar Review: Members Only Habano by PDR Cigars
Today I look at a limited release cigar from Abe Flores’ factory
Cigar Review: El Año 1896 by La Palina
One of the newest from La Palina, El Año 1896 celebrates the year of their original founding with their fullest-bodied release yet.
Cigar Review: Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary by PDR Cigars
A look at the cigar that celebrated 10 years of cigar-making from the partnership of Abe Flores and the Rodriguez brothers
Cigar Preview: PDR A. Flores Gran Reserva
A look at the not so new PDR A. Flores Gran Reserva Corojo.
Cigar Previews, Part 1
Some previews of cigars that will soon hit your local shops shelves
Cigar Review: Frank Herrera Biography
I met Frank at the first Chattanooa Tweetup after missing him a couple times on his trips out to the LA area. I was able to try La Caridad del Cobre at that event. At this year’s tweetup I was very excited to see the “new to me” biography as one of the cigars Frank sent us to give away. Dave did a review on it here. I was only able to smoke one cigar for this review.
Cigar Review: Biography by Herrera Cigars
Review of Biography by Herrera Cigars
Cigar Review: La Hermandad Costa Fuerte by Primer Mundo
A review of the La Hermandad Costa Fuerte by Primer Mundo