Cigar Review: StillWell Star Navy No 1056

Vitola: Toro 6” x 52 ring gauge ~$15.50 Sample provided by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Background The spec sheet for the StillWell Star line notes that “Cigars incorporating pipe tobacco into their mix is not new, but almost universally they are unbearably sweet, utilize marginal pipe and cigar tobaccos and are rather simple, heavy handed […]
Cigar Review: StillWell Star English No. 27

The StillWell Star series’ second installment has us trying the English No. 27, a fascinating blend of a traditional English blend in a cigar format
Cigar Review: StillWell Star Aromatic No. 1

Steve Saka wanted to create a line that combined his love of fine cigars with high-end pipe tobaccos. The result is StillWell Star.
Pipe Tobacco Review: Stovepipe by Cornell & Diehl

Today I take a look at Stovepipe, one of Cornell & Diehl’s selection of aromatic pipe tobaccos…and learn how to enjoy it more
Pipe Tobacco Review: Billy Budd by Cornell & Diehl

In the Billy Budd blend, Cornell & Diehl takes a fairly straightforward medium-bodied English blend and adds some cigar leaf.
Pipe Tobacco: Pete’s Beard Blend by Briarworks

A look at another of the Briarworks-branded pipe tobaccos, this time a mild English Oriental, perfect as an introduction to that style of blend
Pipe Tobacco: Back Down South by Briarworks

Time for one of our periodic forays into pipe tobacco…this time going Back Down South with Briarworks and Cornell & Diehl
Pipe Tobacco Review: St. Patrick’s Day 2016 by Peterson

This week’s pipe tobacco is Peterson’s annual St. Patrick’s Day blend, an aromatic flavored with citrus and whiskey.
Pipe Tobacco Review: Central Park Stroll by Drew Estate

Another installment in my recent explorations of pipe tobacco, this time with one of Drew Estate’s traditional blends: Central Park Stroll
Pipe Tobacco Review: Tsuge Gunjin

My explorations in pipe tobacco continue with another of the Tsuge blends, this time Gunjin: God of Samurai