Cigar Review: Nick & Jim P.B.E

Jon tries a new cigar from Jim Robinson and Nick Syris
Cigar Review: Island Jim # Two

Jon reviews the one cigar he forgot to smoke on his Vegas trip: The Island Jim # Two.
2016 Cigar of the Year – jonsiddle Edition

Jon reviews his favorite cigars from 2016.
Cigar Review: Corona Project Vol. 1 by Rodrigo Cigars

Jon checks out the Corona Project Vol.1 from Rodrigo Cigars.
Cigar Review: Yute by Edolara Cigars

Jon looks at the Yute by Edolara Cigars. Check it out.
Cigar Review: Sabrosos by Rodrigo Cigars

Jon checks out the latest blend from Rodrigo Cigars.
Cigar Review: La Fortaleza by Rodrigo Cigars

Let’s try something else from Rodrigo Cigars.
2015 Cigar of the Year – jonsiddle Edition

Jon gives his five favorite cigars for the year.
Cigar Review: LEAF by Oscar, Sumatra

Jon looks at the Sumatra blend from LEAF by Oscar.