2019 has jumped out to a fast start. I’ve been out of town on music gigs nearly every weekend since the start of the year while my wife has to contend with me being gone and juggling her schedule around. On top of all this, we put into motion a master bathroom remodel a few months, which thankfully has started…which has left parts of our house a bit of a mess. Everything that I have mentioned is all good (a functioning shower that doesn’t leak into the basement is a good thing), but the one thing being left out in all this is cigar time. I’ve obviously been able to hit up a few reviews so far; the Pistoff Kristoff was a welcome find at my local B&M while just the concept alone from the Waffle Cone made it a fun cigar to try. Beyond that, smoking time has been at a minimum.

What’s hanging around the humidor

When time has allowed, my wife and I have been enjoying the always-dependable Nub line. After picking up a few in January, my wife requested more for the humidor. A sampler plus a bidding on a small box of Nub Sumatras has been a welcome addition to the humidor. As the Sumatra was new to me, expect to see a review of it in the near future, along a few other things from a couple of online shopping trips.


On a recent out of town music gig, the rest of the horn players and I stopped at a local liquor store for some “beverages” for the hotel room. While perusing the aisles, my eyes caught the Rum sign near the top of the shelf. Remembering one of my favorite Dominican rums, I wandered over to the shelf with hopes to find a bottle – thankfully, luck was with me that evening. I picked up the bottle and immediately had my alcohol covered for the entire weekend. Expect to see a review of that soon as well. The horn players I were with all gave it high marks, expect for one who really doesn’t venture farther past Miller Lite, but that’s ok.

That is all I have for this week. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with everyone again soon.