Coming off a long weekend via Labor Day and a shortened week thanks to an out of town music gig (typing this in my hotel room), I figured this would be as nice of time as any to throw out some random thoughts regarding what I have been smoking and drinking and what is coming soon.

What’s hanging around the humidor

I was digging around for some sales and/or clearance deals at Cigars International and ended up finding a couple of new things to try (the humidor was looking rather bare). The deals I ended up picking up included the Gurkha Warpig and the El Mejor Espresso. I also picked a Nicaraguan 2nd of some sort but it was definitely the least desirable of the three. There might a short review of each two mentioned before the end of the year. In anyone is wondering about them, they are worth a look if they are still on sale.

In addition, I have a couple of New Joya de Nicaragua that will be showing up for review soon. And I’m always keeping my eyes out for something to pick up and check out. Should anyone have any suggestions for reviews, I am always up for looking up recommendations.


One new whiskey that came to my attention thanks to a friend and former student is the Cragabus. It’s a blended Islay whiskey that I would consider to be a perfect Islay (smoke and peat) for newbies. A review of this is planned before the end of the year.

That is all I have for this week. Good luck to all those participating this year in the Pick’em League. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with everyone again soon.